January 3, 2012

Day 3

Since I didn't come up with this idea before New Years.  I missed getting any sort of picture or video this day (and Grandma even came, so it would have been good to get a picture with her, but I didn't) so you'll just have to settle for a story.  I think it's quite funny though :)

It was later in the evening, close to when Logan goes to bed, and Brandon and I were both sitting on the couch.  Logan was supposed to be taking his bottle, but had gotten down out of my lap & was playing.  He often finds little pieces of stuff on the floor and will come over, hold out his hand wanting you to take it.  Sometimes he does this and doesn't actually have anything, but he sure seems to think he does and we just go along with it anyway.  Well, he did this to Brandon, and Brandon held out his hand to take whatever little thing Logan found.  This time Logan did actually have something and Brandon said "Oh, are you bringing some trash to me?" He then looks at it in his hand and responds with "Ew, is that a booger? That IS a booger!" I started cracking up, so Logan started laughing with me almost as if he knew what he had done and thought it was funny that he gave his Daddy a booger.  Haha!

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