You are 5 months old! Every month just goes by way too fast! I don't have any official stats for you, but I'm sure you've probably grown at least a half to a full inch and probably weigh somewhere between 16 & 17 pounds. You are a big girl, but you definitely aren't keeping up with how fast your big brother grew.
You are a full sitter now. You have been working hard all month and in the last week you have gotten really steady. Such a big girl!
The last month has been a rough one. You have not been a happy eater, and you have not been a good sleeper. Mommy is trying lots of things, and working very hard to figure out what is going on so everyone can be happy & well rested again :)
You had been sleeping 7 hours at night, but now I'm lucky if you make it 4. Lately, I have been having to feed you twice a night, but if I'm lucky, I only have to do it once. Sometimes, in addition to feedings, I also have to go in and give you your paci. I sure hope you start feeling better & sleeping better soon!
You are still in 3-6 month clothes, but you fill them out quite nicely. It might be time to move to the next size soon.
You are wearing size 3 diapers, but only because we ran out of 2's and I didn't feel like buying more. You were on the border with needing the next size anyway.
You seem to like the Around We Go even though you aren't big enough to move to the different stations yet. You sure do have fun playing the keyboard though!
You have become quite the noisy little girl. You have figured out how to scream/squeal and you will do this when you are happy or mad. You often make a growling noise and it is so funny to me. You also recently figured out how to spit and make raspberries. You are a silly little girl!
You had your first "swim" in Grandma & Papa's pool, but you did not stay in long because you were not a fan.
You are such a joy to us all and I am so proud to be your Mommy! You are growing and changing so fast and I am trying to enjoy every stage before it passes. Sometimes I sure wish you'd slow down a little though ;-) I love you so very much sweet girl!!