February 25, 2013

37 Weeks

37 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I was up 35 at my appointment last week and think I'm about the same today.  I have an appointment tomorrow, so I will know for sure then.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a winter melon - approximately 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds (this is the range from now to delivery, so I would guess closer to the 6.2 size, but she could already be 7 if she's on course to be as big as her brother).

Maternity Clothes: Same - even my maternity shirts are starting to get on the short side and not covering as well...I think I'm a little big. Ha!

Sleep: Really rough the last two nights.  Lots of pain any time I shift and of course, lots of trips to the bathroom which it's also painful every time I have to get out of bed.  Pretty sure I'm up almost ever hour.  Logan slept 3-4 hours so this is definitely worse than when we had a newborn...maybe Abigail isn't going to be such a good sleeper and so my body is preparing me.  Ha!  I sure hope not though...

Movement: Mostly just shifts, turns and stretches.  She's running out of room :)

Cravings/Aversions: Same - I have been extra hungry lately and for sweets which is totally not good for me.  I am trying to eat a balanced diet, but all I seem to want are sweets.  Probably why I'm gaining so much here at the end.  Ugh.

What I Miss: Sleep, having energy, and being able to be on my feet for longer periods of time so I can actually accomplish stuff.

Gender: Our sweet little girl - Abigail!

Mood: Ok, but starting to stress A LOT.

Milestones: We made it to full term!!  I'm so very thankful to be here, and to know that our sweet girl is developed fully and ready for the world whenever she decides to make her arrival.  However, I still would like for her to be able to put on some more weight and to make it to 40 weeks so I can get more stuff done:)

Her room is almost completely cleared out, we've got a paint sample we're testing.  Right now, I'm thinking it might just be a tad too light, but I'm going to look at it in the morning.  I'm hoping it works though and doesn't take us as many different tries as it did with Logan's room.  Hopefully we will be painting this weekend and setting up her room next week.  I'm so anxious to get her crib all ready for her even though she'll spend the first couple weeks in the pack & play in our room.

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Still having some pain, but it's still manageable so I'm VERY thankful for that.
The heartburn is driving me crazy and is much more constant, but I'm thankful that it's not all that severe.  Usually taking some TUMS or eating something non acidic is enough to give me relief.
Restless leg is driving me crazy, even during the day. And I'm having some swelling that has pretty much stuck around since Saturday so I'm guessing it's here for the rest of the pregnancy.
I haven't had any more crazy spots, and I'm thankful for that!
Stretch marks are getting ridiculous and I'm guessing they'll only get worse from here.  It's also making my belly VERY itchy, which is so not fun :(
Differences From Past Pregnancy: Pretty sure I've gained a very similar amount of weight this pregnancy, however, I feel MUCH bigger, and if you look a the pics below I'm pretty sure I'm a little bigger.

What I Look Forward To: Getting the nursery in order.  Also hopefully finishing up some of the de-cluttering throughout the house that I've been working on.  I really want it under control so I can maintain things better once she arrives.

Anything Else You'd Like to Share:  My doctor ended up not being in Friday, so my appointment was moved up to Thurs. and I saw the physicians assistant instead.  I was really bummed about it, but it happened this time with Logan too, so I at least knew who she was this time.  I was 1 centimeter dilated and still really high, so not much effacement.  I have an appointment tomorrow morning, so I will see if anything has chanced since last week.

I've also reached the point in my pregnancy (happened last time too since I seem to carry so large) where pretty much everyone, especially strangers, cannot seem to help but comment on my size.  I've had some pretty funny reactions from people when they notice my belly (of course, it is huge, so how could they not notice. Ha!).  Lots of WOW!'s and WHOAH's.  And most can't believe I still have 3 weeks left.  So far though this time I haven't been asked if I'm having twins yet.  Oh the joys of a giant belly :)

This picture was taken on Saturday (36 weeks 5 days)...

Ironically, I wore this same dress (different reason) at almost the exact same time in my pregnancy with Logan.  Here is my 36 weeks, 2 days when I was pregnant with Logan.  Unfortunately, not facing the same way, but to me, I can tell I'm just a little bigger and she seems to be higher, even though I would not have thought that she was...

February 19, 2013

I am having a girl...

I know, you just read the title and are thinking...umm, haven't you known that for like 15 weeks now?  Yes, yes I have.  However, it just really hit me.  I'm so very excited, but also so very nervous and scared.  I was terrified when I found out we were having a boy when I was pregnant with Logan as I didn't have brothers, or a lot of guy friends growing up and I just wondered how in the world I would make it as a mom of a boy.  I have LOVED every second of it.  Of course, I haven't hit all of the challenges and he definitely does boy things that I just don't understand (like making up games of running into walls and falling down on purpose, only to get up and do it again.  I don't get it. Ha!).  But, now that we're having a girl, I'm so used to life with an energetic, smart, handsome, silly, sweet little boy that I'm not so sure I know what to do with a girl anymore.
I was just reading a friend's blog about a new book that is out by a popular blogger.  The book is called Sparkly Green Earrings and is about this blogger raising a daughter.  At first, I was unaffected by this, but then I got to the end of my friend's post and she said this...
"This book made me look forward to the life stages to come with Ellie. Look forward to and/or dread. But mostly, I look forward to them. I realized as I was reading how truly, madly, deeply, I love my girl and I am so thankful that God has given her to me to raise. As I finished the very last paragraph of the last chapter of the book, I heard Ellie's cries as she woke up from her nap. I finished the book, went into her room, pulled her into the rocking chair and we rocked and snuggled and sang songs and I just felt so encouraged. I may need to read the book once a year just to remind myself that I will get through it."
That may not sound like anything big, or all that emotional, or whatever, but for me - it just hit me.  I realized "I'm having a girl" and I'm going to love her as much as I love Logan, and God has given her (and Logan) to ME. ME!  I got a little emotional over this and the realization that came with it.  Wow, just wow!  Seriously, how did I get so blessed?
I had not planned to purchase the book as I haven't been a regular reader of this woman's blog, but now I'm thinking I just might have to do that.  I am going to need all the help and encouragement I can get in this new journey raising a little girl.
I still may not know what in the world I'm going to do with a girl, but to be fair, I still really don't know what I'm doing with a boy.  All I do know is that God gave me these two blessings and I will do my best to love them, and raise them in a way that is pleasing in God's eyes.  I will definitely snuggle Logan a little tighter when he wakes up from his nap (if he'll let me - ha!) and cherish how close my sweet little girl is right now because before I know it she'll be here, and before I know it again, she'll be grown and I'll be missing theses days when she is always with me.
I love you sweet Abigail and I am so thankful God gave you to me!

February 18, 2013

36 Weeks

36 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: My appointment isn't until Friday this week, so I'm a little bummed I have to wait until almost 37 weeks, but on my scale here, my weight has been fluctuating between 32-35 pounds up.  It's weird.  Like fluctuating that much within one day.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a honeydew - approximately 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.

Maternity Clothes: Same - even my maternity shirts are starting to get on the short side and not covering as well...I think I'm a little big. Ha!

Sleep: Some days it feels like I just can't make it without some sleep, but somehow I do.

Movement: Mostly just shifts, turns and stretches.  She's running out of room :)

Cravings/Aversions: I have been extra hungry lately and for sweets which is totally not good for me.  I am trying to eat a balanced diet, but all I seem to want are sweets.  Probably why I'm gaining so much here at the end.  Ugh.

What I Miss: Not being limited on what I can do.

Gender: Our sweet little girl - Abigail!

Mood: Better, but still worried about getting everything done.

Milestones: 36 weeks - only 4 to go!  Almost full term :)  It's hard to believe we're actually here since 6 weeks ago, I was so scared we wouldn't make it this far.  I am not supposed to take any medication anymore should contractions increase & become regular again.  At this point, they will not do anything to stop labor.  However, I still would like to make it to 40 weeks if possible so I hope she takes her time :)

Making some progress in the cleaning out/organizing, but still have lots to do.

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Either the visits to the chiropractor have worked, or she has shifted or prayers have worked, or a combination of all have made the last few days much better on the mobility and pain from the sciatic.  However, I have started having pain in other places in the hip area which makes me think maybe she's shifted some.  It's not nearly as severe or debilitating, but still a complication.  It's especially painful to lay down and any shifting at night.
Heartburn and restless legs are also driving me crazy, especially at night.  I've found if I eat some cereal or something right before bed it helps prevent the heartburn from being too bad, but that may also be contributing to my extra weight :)
The last 3 days have been crazy though as I've had the silvery/glittery spots each day, which if I lay down for at least 30 minutes, they go away, but it then results in a bad headache.  Not so much fun.  So far none today and hopefully they won't continue this week.
Differences From Past Pregnancy: Last pregnancy I did not get any stretch marks until 36-37 weeks and they were all right around my belly button - almost like sun rays - ha!  I was not good about using any lotion last time, so I've been pretty good about it this time trying to prevent lots more.  I'm still getting them on my stomach, but they're not as visible or itchy, so I think the lotion is working.  However, I just noticed I'm getting stretch marks in other places.  What??  I did not know that happened.  The extra weight I'm gaining seems to be going to my rear end (I apologize for saying that - I know TMI, but I need it documented) & thighs, so I guess that is why they are appearing in those places.  Ugh!

What I Look Forward To: I'm really looking forward to meeting our sweet girl, and part of me wants her to just be here, but I know it's best to wait longer.  I really do want her to be full term when she arrives, but I'm definitely looking forward to her birthday :)

Anything Else You'd Like to Share:  Still really bummed I won't get an ultrasound this week at my appointment :(  Also really bummed my doctor is out of town so my appointment isn't until Friday (which also means Abigail better wait until Friday or later to make her debut)

I'm getting really nervous about balancing life with 2 kiddos.  I LOVE Logan so so very much and I know I will love Abigail just as much, but it's still a little scary to think about having to split my time with them.  I do not want Logan to feel left out or unloved because I know that newborns require A LOT of time & attention.  I don't want Logan to ever feel like he's being replaced, or not loved.  I also feel bad that Abigail won't get the same one-on-one time with me that Logan had.  I hope to be able to do lots of little outings with Logan when someone else can help with Abigail, and have Brandon do the same.  I know Logan will get time with grandparents too that will help with some one-on-one time for me with Abigail.  I know we'll balance everything the best we can, but it's just really hard not to worry about it.

No picture, sorry :(

February 11, 2013

35 Weeks

35 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: At my appointment I was up 31 pounds.  On the scale today it appears I'm about the same or slightly more.

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a coconut - approximately 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.

Maternity Clothes: Even my maternity shirts are starting to get on the short side and not covering as well...I think I'm a little big. Ha!

Sleep: Last night was especially rough. Dogs woke me up, then Logan woke up crying again (no idea why), then the dogs woke me up again.  Pretty much no sleep.

Movement: A lot calmer, but still pretty frequent.

Cravings/Aversions: Today I was craving a grilled cheese and tomato soup.  Had the stuff, made it, it was delicious but have been regretting the tomato soup because I've had lots of heartburn.  Oh well :) Also, still really loving and wanting sweets...

What I Miss: Same - sleep, walking without pain, and not being such an emotional basket case.

Gender: Our sweet little girl - Abigail!

Mood: It varies moment to moment. Ha!

Milestones: 35 weeks- only 5 to go!  One week closer to being considered full term :)

The bedding arrived today, so now I need to get moving on picking paint, finishing emptying the room, and getting it painted so we can get it all set up :)

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: I have seen the chiropractor 3 times in the last week, 2 of which I also got a 15 min. massage.  At first I wasn't sure it was doing anything, but this weekend I felt like the pain was a little less and I seem to have more mobility.  I don't think anything will completely fix it, but it's nice to be able to do slightly more than I was able to do before. Still also dealing with heartburn, restless leg, and some swelling.
Differences From Past Pregnancy: I'm pretty sure the sleep is worse this time around, but not 100% sure on that.

What I Look Forward To: Same - still hoping to make it 2 more weeks to be considered full term, but hoping for the full 5.

Anything Else You'd Like to Share:  I found out at my appointment that insurances no longer cover another ultrasound, so I won't get to see our sweet girl at my next appointment.  I'm so very sad about that :(  I am so curious as to how big she is and how she compares to what Logan was at this same point.

Also, nesting is driving me crazy, especially since I haven't been physically able to do much about any of it.  Yesterday, since I felt a tiny bit better and the nesting was making me crazy, I got a whole lot done in our master bedroom.  We have had a ridiculous amount of laundry clutter as I haven't been able to really keep on top of that, so I managed to tackle most of it.  I've got 3 boxes of give away, threw out stuff too, and most everything else has been hung up or folded and put away.  I'm so hoping to be able to finish the last bit soon and to maintain our new orderliness (is that a word?).  Don't get me wrong though, there's still plenty of clutter all over the rest of the house that is driving me crazy as well, along with lots of regular & deep cleaning, but I really need to tackle the last of the stuff in Abigail's room so we can move forward on everything else for her.  Hopefully, the rest will get completed at some point.

Here's a pic finally, but it's terrible.  I haven't gone anywhere and I had Brandon take it right before I was going to go to bed, so I apologize for the scariness.  However, you can see just how giant I am getting.  Ha!

February 4, 2013

34 Weeks

34 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: It appears I'm up 30, but my appointment isn't until Thursday this week so I won't know for sure until then.  Although I'm hoping to not gain more than the recommended 35 this time, so I need to gain less than a pound over the next 6-7 weeks.  It won't be the end of the world or anything, I'm just trying to keep from having a lot more work later on :)

Size of Baby: Our baby is about the size of a butternut squash - approximately 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.

Maternity Clothes: Same mostly all maternity, but lots of pajamas.  Unfortunately for Logan, we aren't getting out much.

Sleep: Not sure I know what that is...

Movement: A lot calmer, but still pretty frequent.

Cravings/Aversions: Hot fudge sundaes are still delicious, but I haven't been giving in to them.  Only had one this week.  I drink a ton of water, but the last couple days it just hasn't tasted good to me, which is making it harder to keep me as hydrated as I need to be.

What I Miss: Sleep, walking without pain, and not being such an emotional basket case.

Gender: Sweet little girl!

Mood: Not the best.  Trying to be positive, but really struggling.

Milestones: 34 weeks feels like a milestone, and it is since she hasn't arrived yet, but we still have a few weeks to go to be in the safest range for delivery.

We don't have a middle name yet, but we've decided to go ahead and share our choice for her first name.  Our sweet little girl's name is Abigail.  Her name means "my father's joy" - so appropriate!  And, Abigail in the bible is described as intelligent and beautiful which of course we are sure our Abigail will be ;-)

Symptoms/Medical Concerns: The pain on my right side from the sciatic nerve has gotten pretty severe.  I've scheduled an appointment this week to see a chiropractor as several people have recommended it (including my doctor) so I'm hoping and praying that brings some relief.  I'm really struggling with not being physically able to do so much stuff that needs to be done - stuff for our sweet girl's arrive and just the every day to day stuff that has to be done to keep things in order.   I attempted twice this week getting out with Logan on my own and have had to accept that it's just not a safe choice for us right now, so I'm really struggling with that as well. Still also dealing with heartburn, restless leg, and some swelling.  No problems with seeing spots/blurriness this week though, so that's good.
Differences From Past Pregnancy: Can't think of any new ones right now.

What I Look Forward To: Same - still hoping to make it 3 more weeks to be considered full term.  I really want to go all the way to 40 weeks though.  I want her to have time to grow and gain the weight she needs to so hopefully the eating and sleeping will go well once she arrives.

Also, really hoping that my 36 week appointment (in 2 weeks) will have an ultrasound.  I really want to see my sweet girl again.  Obviously seeing her face for real will be the best, but I still want her to wait a while before she blesses us with her presence :)

Anything Else You'd Like to Share:  I got a message from the lady who I ordered the bedding from and she said she should be starting it today and that it should take a couple days.  So I'm thinking sometime next week we should have bedding for Abigail.  And since we've announced the name I can share this - it was quite funny to me that after picking the fabric for her I discovered that the name of the lavender damask pattern was Abigail Drew Lavender.  How cool is that?

Sorry, no picture again :(  I'm doing a terrible job with that...

February 2, 2013

Past Pictures

Here are some pictures from the last 2 months. Some I will put captions about what is happening, others are just cute and/or I don't feel need captions.  Enjoy!

Helping make his birthday cake.

Checking out his big boy bed the first night. 

Reading with Mommy in his big boy bed. 

Fast asleep in his big boy bed. 

He did this all on his own.
Sitting on top of the "big tall mountain" as he called it.

I know I should have more pictures considering these were over the span of a couple months, but I have done a terrible job of taking pictures :(  I do have pictures from his birthday & Christmas that I will hopefully get around to doing separate posts for. (yes I realize I shouldn't end sentences with a preposition, but I don't care :-p)