He would NOT look at the camera though. He was not interested is posing for his Momma. Ha! I did get a few of his "cheesy" smiles though.
October 31, 2012
Pumpkin Patch
We went to the pumpkin patch on Monday. To say Logan had a great time would be an understatement. We were there for probably close to an hour and he still had a meltdown when it was time to leave. He also asked me numerous times throughout the day to go back to the pumpkin patch.
He would NOT look at the camera though. He was not interested is posing for his Momma. Ha! I did get a few of his "cheesy" smiles though.
He would NOT look at the camera though. He was not interested is posing for his Momma. Ha! I did get a few of his "cheesy" smiles though.
October 29, 2012
20 Weeks
20 Weeks
Total Weight Loss/Gain: I hate not having a digital scale, so I'm going to have to guess, but I think I may be up 4-5 pounds. Depending on how I stand on the scale it varies by a pound or so.
Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants, but still wearing mostly regular shirts.
Sleep: Still awful. Please pray I can start getting some sleep. I really need some energy.
Movement: Yes, and I love it! Most of the time when I'm still, I'll feel some for a least a little bit.
Cravings/Aversions: My sweet mother-in-law made me some chicken & dumplings on Monday and they everything I had hoped for...only problem is I want more! I may attempt making them myself on a day I'm feeling well. Still craving my mom's apple pie as well, but my b-day is just a couple weeks away, so I'm hoping for that then :)
What I Miss: Same as last week - I miss feeling rested and not nauseous.
Gender: We find out on November 7th - that is just 9 days away!!
Mood: It varies, but isn't that normal for a
Milestones: Brandon got to feel the baby kick last week. And, we are half way there :)
Medical Concerns: None that I know of, but still having anxiety about every little pain, contraction, weird feeling, etc.
Differences From Past Pregnancy: The tiredness seems so much more this pregnancy. I've always had sleep issues, so I was very used to being tired when I was pregnant with Logan and it did not really affect me. Once I quit working, the relief of the stress from my job significantly improved my sleep and restfulness, so I'm wondering how I ever functioned like this before.
What I Look Forward To: November 7th - finding out if we are having a boy or girl and hopeful that the 2nd half of my pregnancy will be a little easier. It was with Logan, so I'm hoping that proves the same here. Ready to start knocking things off my "nesting" to-do list.
Anything Else You'd Like to Share: This didn't happen last week, but I had forgotten about it, and want to document it somewhere. We have told Logan that there is a tiny baby in Mommy's tummy and he understands that to the extent that a 22 month old can, but one day when we were talking about it, he asked if he could hold the baby. I told him that when the baby was bigger and out of Mommy's tummy he could, but he would have to use both hands. Multiple times since then he has told me he is going to hold the baby with both hands and he actually holds out both hands and shows me. I just think it's the sweetest thing :)
Here's an updated picture from yesterday...
I'm not facing the same way, but here's a picture of me at 19 1/2 weeks with Logan....
It's hard to compare, but I think I'm a little bigger this time around than I was with Logan. I think that's pretty normal though.
October 25, 2012
My Little Baker
Today, I got over my fears of a disaster in the kitchen and let Logan help me bake some cinnamon muffins. We only did a mix, and I had everything ready to just pour in and mix, but he did so well! I was so impressed and so proud of him. It was not the mess/disaster I had envisioned in my head :)
Yes, I realize he is not dressed, but the kid was hot when we got home today from "trick or treating" with our MOPS group at an assisted living facility, so he stripped down and did not want to put anything else on.
He was so proud of his "meatloaf" - not sure why he kept calling it that even though I told him they were muffins. Ha!
Admiring his handiwork after we took it out of the oven :)
About to enjoy the fruits of his labor :)
I think he likes it!
Daddy happened to walk in at this point, and he shared with Daddy. How sweet!
October 22, 2012
Anyone There??
So I haven't
posted since JUNE!! Yep, terrible. I know. Hopefully one day I will
get around to going back and updating what I missed, but for now, I'm just
going to start where I'm at.
Pregnancy has a way of preventing me from doing the things I normally am capable of doing. Oh yeah, I guess I haven't mentioned I'm pregnant. Consider this my announcement. Ha!
I'm 19 weeks, and I can hardly believe we're almost half way. At the same time though, I thought this point would never get here considering I've been sick since week 5.
When I was pregnant with Logan, I didn't do weekly updates or keep a journal of all the changes that go along with pregnancy, and I wish I had. So...I'm going to attempt to do that this time. Here goes...
Total Weight Loss/Gain: As of my 16 week appointment, I had not gained any weight. I thought I had gained a pound but realized I had lost a pound from my 8 to 12 week appointment, so really I just gained that one back. I do however think I've gained maybe a couple pounds since then. My scale at home is not digital so it can be difficult to tell.
Size of Baby: According to The Bump, our baby is about the size of a mango.
Maternity Clothes: I've been wearing maternity pants since long before I truly needed them, but since I already had them this pregnancy, and they are so comfy, I pulled them out the moment there was any tightness in my regular ones :)
Sleep: Terrible if I'm completely honest.
Movement: Quite a bit. I'm pretty sure this time around I felt my first kick between 12-13 weeks, but the last few weeks I've definitely been feeling a lot of movement. Not to the point yet though that Brandon can feel it, but it should be soon! I'm loving it!
Cravings/Aversions: I'm mostly having aversions, but they aren't specific. It changes moment to moment. I did have a chicken aversion for a little while though. Oh and things with a strong onion flavor. As for cravings, I've been craving chicken & dumplings for a little while (I did with Logan too), but a few nights ago a friend posted on FB a homemade apple pie and that made me start craving my Mom's apple pie (will have to ask for this for my B-day in a few weeks if not sooner ;-) Sound ok, Mom? :) ). I haven't had a whole lot of other cravings besides that. I would say pizza type meals and mint oreos have been something I have been able to eat more consistently than other foods.
What I Miss: I've had a few instances when I wished I could have a lemon drop martini. I also miss feeling rested and not nauseous.
Gender: We find out on November 7th. I cannot wait! Logan will be 23 months that day and we'll find out if he'll be having a baby brother or sister. Lots to celebrate :)
Mood: It varies, but isn't that normal for apregnant woman? Ha :)
Milestones: Ummm...well since I didn't start this sooner, I guess I can count the movement for this milestone since he/she is moving a lot more recently.
Medical Concerns: I had a lot of concerns prior to my last appointment (lack of weight gain, had some light headedness, headaches, felt like I was already experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, etc.) but fortunately, my doctor was not concerned at all and said those can all be normal. She checked the heartbeat and all was great there. She just told me to try to keep up the small frequent meals to make sure I'm getting enough to take care of me, and rest when I can. I felt a lot better, but still have some anxieties that I just can't shake, but I'm praying and hoping that all is well. I'm sure I'll feel better after the ultrasound assuming all goes well with that.
Differences From Past Pregnancy: I am going to document stuff going back to the beginning since I didn't start this until just now. I started getting sick at 5 weeks with this pregnancy & it was 7 with Logan. Medicine didn't help with Logan and I threw up once day until 21 weeks. I feel like the nausea has been worse this time, and medicine has helped with the nausea some, but has stopped me from throwing up this time. I also have been super sensitive to smells. We've changed hand soaps, deodorants, body wash, etc. I can't make my cookies because the smell of them (particularly the icing) makes me sick. I can't use my crock pot, and the dogs of course smell terrible to me. With Logan, I was only sensitive to freezer smells (couldn't eat anything out of my freezer) and the dogs. I have felt movement a lot earlier this time. I don't remember exactly when I felt the first movement with Logan, but I'm thinking it was around either 16 or 19 weeks. I know that's weird, but those are the two numbers that come to mind and I really can't remember. I'm pretty sure this time around I felt my first kick between 12-13 weeks, then much more consisent movement around 16-17 weeks.
What I Look Forward To: November 7th - finding out if we are having a boy or girl so I can start thinking more seriously about names. Brandon & I can't seem to really focus on it without knowing what it is. I really want to have a name decided upon PRIOR to delivery :) I'm also looking forward to feeling less nauseous and less tired so I can start completing all the stuff on my "nesting" to do list :)
Anything Else You'd Like to Share: I am super thankful and grateful for this sweet baby growing inside me. I really do love being pregnant even though the nausea at times can seem so overwhelming. Pregnancy is such a gift and something I do my very best not to take for granted. I haven't shared this with a whole lot of people because it was a very emotional time for me and I was not ready to share at the time, but in January, we had a miscarriage. It was very early, but nonetheless painful physically and emotionally. I know God knows what is best for us and for whatever reason He felt that that was not the timing for us and that was not the child for us to keep. It was a little difficult in September when we would have been due (it was actually Brandon's birthday), but having this pregnancy definitely made it easier to deal with knowing that we should have had a baby in our arms already. Having had the miscarriage though, I've had a lot more anxiety this time around. I thought I was doing better after our 8 week ultrasound when we got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat because we never made it to that with our pregnancy in January. Then a couple weeks after the fears returned. It is my hope and prayer that I will be able to meet this baby. I want to experience all that I've experience with Logan with the new baby. I try to remind myself that no matter what happens with this pregnancy, God has us in His hands and He will help us through it.
Here's a baby bump pic from 17 1/2 weeks.
Pregnancy has a way of preventing me from doing the things I normally am capable of doing. Oh yeah, I guess I haven't mentioned I'm pregnant. Consider this my announcement. Ha!
I'm 19 weeks, and I can hardly believe we're almost half way. At the same time though, I thought this point would never get here considering I've been sick since week 5.
When I was pregnant with Logan, I didn't do weekly updates or keep a journal of all the changes that go along with pregnancy, and I wish I had. So...I'm going to attempt to do that this time. Here goes...
19 Weeks
Total Weight Loss/Gain: As of my 16 week appointment, I had not gained any weight. I thought I had gained a pound but realized I had lost a pound from my 8 to 12 week appointment, so really I just gained that one back. I do however think I've gained maybe a couple pounds since then. My scale at home is not digital so it can be difficult to tell.
Maternity Clothes: I've been wearing maternity pants since long before I truly needed them, but since I already had them this pregnancy, and they are so comfy, I pulled them out the moment there was any tightness in my regular ones :)
Sleep: Terrible if I'm completely honest.
Movement: Quite a bit. I'm pretty sure this time around I felt my first kick between 12-13 weeks, but the last few weeks I've definitely been feeling a lot of movement. Not to the point yet though that Brandon can feel it, but it should be soon! I'm loving it!
Cravings/Aversions: I'm mostly having aversions, but they aren't specific. It changes moment to moment. I did have a chicken aversion for a little while though. Oh and things with a strong onion flavor. As for cravings, I've been craving chicken & dumplings for a little while (I did with Logan too), but a few nights ago a friend posted on FB a homemade apple pie and that made me start craving my Mom's apple pie (will have to ask for this for my B-day in a few weeks if not sooner ;-) Sound ok, Mom? :) ). I haven't had a whole lot of other cravings besides that. I would say pizza type meals and mint oreos have been something I have been able to eat more consistently than other foods.
What I Miss: I've had a few instances when I wished I could have a lemon drop martini. I also miss feeling rested and not nauseous.
Gender: We find out on November 7th. I cannot wait! Logan will be 23 months that day and we'll find out if he'll be having a baby brother or sister. Lots to celebrate :)
Mood: It varies, but isn't that normal for a
Milestones: Ummm...well since I didn't start this sooner, I guess I can count the movement for this milestone since he/she is moving a lot more recently.
Medical Concerns: I had a lot of concerns prior to my last appointment (lack of weight gain, had some light headedness, headaches, felt like I was already experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, etc.) but fortunately, my doctor was not concerned at all and said those can all be normal. She checked the heartbeat and all was great there. She just told me to try to keep up the small frequent meals to make sure I'm getting enough to take care of me, and rest when I can. I felt a lot better, but still have some anxieties that I just can't shake, but I'm praying and hoping that all is well. I'm sure I'll feel better after the ultrasound assuming all goes well with that.
Differences From Past Pregnancy: I am going to document stuff going back to the beginning since I didn't start this until just now. I started getting sick at 5 weeks with this pregnancy & it was 7 with Logan. Medicine didn't help with Logan and I threw up once day until 21 weeks. I feel like the nausea has been worse this time, and medicine has helped with the nausea some, but has stopped me from throwing up this time. I also have been super sensitive to smells. We've changed hand soaps, deodorants, body wash, etc. I can't make my cookies because the smell of them (particularly the icing) makes me sick. I can't use my crock pot, and the dogs of course smell terrible to me. With Logan, I was only sensitive to freezer smells (couldn't eat anything out of my freezer) and the dogs. I have felt movement a lot earlier this time. I don't remember exactly when I felt the first movement with Logan, but I'm thinking it was around either 16 or 19 weeks. I know that's weird, but those are the two numbers that come to mind and I really can't remember. I'm pretty sure this time around I felt my first kick between 12-13 weeks, then much more consisent movement around 16-17 weeks.
What I Look Forward To: November 7th - finding out if we are having a boy or girl so I can start thinking more seriously about names. Brandon & I can't seem to really focus on it without knowing what it is. I really want to have a name decided upon PRIOR to delivery :) I'm also looking forward to feeling less nauseous and less tired so I can start completing all the stuff on my "nesting" to do list :)
Anything Else You'd Like to Share: I am super thankful and grateful for this sweet baby growing inside me. I really do love being pregnant even though the nausea at times can seem so overwhelming. Pregnancy is such a gift and something I do my very best not to take for granted. I haven't shared this with a whole lot of people because it was a very emotional time for me and I was not ready to share at the time, but in January, we had a miscarriage. It was very early, but nonetheless painful physically and emotionally. I know God knows what is best for us and for whatever reason He felt that that was not the timing for us and that was not the child for us to keep. It was a little difficult in September when we would have been due (it was actually Brandon's birthday), but having this pregnancy definitely made it easier to deal with knowing that we should have had a baby in our arms already. Having had the miscarriage though, I've had a lot more anxiety this time around. I thought I was doing better after our 8 week ultrasound when we got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat because we never made it to that with our pregnancy in January. Then a couple weeks after the fears returned. It is my hope and prayer that I will be able to meet this baby. I want to experience all that I've experience with Logan with the new baby. I try to remind myself that no matter what happens with this pregnancy, God has us in His hands and He will help us through it.
Here's a baby bump pic from 17 1/2 weeks.
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