May 31, 2012

Day 152

My child is strong!  He carried this heavy bottle of laundry detergent probably about 10 feet or so before setting it down.

He also really loves looking at the pictures of horses and cows in my Pioneer Woman cookbook.

May 30, 2012

Day 151

Today, we went to the zoo with my MOPS group.  Logan had a blast!  I did a terrible job of taking pics though.  These are about the only ones I got...

 Logan and his friend William checking out the chimps

 Logan playing the drums...I don't know how I managed to get such a cute pic!

May 29, 2012

Day 150

Logan pulled his stool up to the end table so he could read.  I got the camera, and he said "cheese."  So cute!  He also enjoyed some goldfish and blueberries for snack :)  He doesn't normally "pose" for the camera like this.  Usually when the camera comes out, he stops whatever cute thing he is doing.

Memorial Day

Grandma and Papa had us, along with Gigi and Poppy, over for Memorial Day so Logan could have his first swim. Logan loves water, but hates it in his face, so he was a little hesitant at first with swimming.  He eventually warmed up to it a little bit, but it's definitely going to take some work for us to get him more comfortable with the pool.  His favorite thing was probably playing with Grandma's colander.  He loved watching the water run out of it.   We all had a great time!

May 28, 2012

Day 149

Today we went to Grandma's & Papa's house for memorial day.  When we got there, they had a surprise for Logan.  Right now, Logan is obsessed with horses (and cows), and when I was little we had a toy horse that you could ride named Cheyenne (I think that's how it's spelled).  I was just thinking the other day how I wished my parents still had him.  Little did I know, they did - he was just in the attic!  Logan was a little hesitant at first, and didn't get on, but eventually warmed up.  I think he's going to LOVE Cheyenne just as much, if not more, than I did. For more on day at Grandma & Papa's, see my Memorial Day post (Logan has his first swim of the season too!).

May 27, 2012

Day 148

As we were headed to church, Logan decided he wanted to drive.  This was his first time in the driver's seat.  I think it is safe to say he LOVED it.

May 26, 2012

Day 147

So a fishing vest and a diaper is normal attire right?  Ha! :)

May 25, 2012

Day 146

I subbed at my old school today and the grandparents helped me out by keeping Logan.  He spent the morning with Grandma & Papa, and then Gigi and Poppy took him to their house for the afternoon. Gigi got a few pictures for me.  Here is is hanging out, drinking milk, and watching the Dinosaur Train.

May 24, 2012

Day 145

I almost forgot again, so it's another sleeping picture.  Although, he's such a sweet little angel, and I love these pictures too even if I've taken way too many of them :)

May 23, 2012

Day 144

I'm not sure how he figured this out, but today, Logan has been crossing his fingers all day.  I did not teach him this, I guess he just figured it out and it's a fun new thing to do.

He's known how to "gig'em" for a while, but I had to post this too because I think it's super cute ;-)