April 9, 2011

Another one is on the way!

Yep, you read it right.  Another baby is on the way!

But...it's not ours! Ha!  Gotcha!! :)

I have wanted to post this and have had the OK to share the news for quite a while, but everything has been crazy since I started back to school.  My sister and her husband are expecting their first child on September 1st.  I am almost as excited that I'm going to be an Aunt as I was to be a Mommy and cannot wait to see if I will have a nephew or niece.  They have decided not to find out, so we still have a while to wait.  My Dad thinks it is definitely going to be a girl, and I am thinking maybe so as well.  However, I think it would be really fun for Logan to have a boy cousin so close in age, but we'll be happy with whatever we get :)

In other baby news, Logan has a new friend!  Our sweet friends, Jennifer and Rusty's little boy was born on St. Patrick's day.  We could not be more happy for them, and I cannot wait to meet sweet Benjamin!  They have an amazing story and I am so thankful that God blessed them with such a beautiful, sweet bundle of joy!  Benjamin was born with some heart issues, but we are praying for complete healing for him.  Jennifer is the friend that has taken many beautiful pictures of our family pre and post Logan.  Isn't she a beautiful Mommy?? (Jennifer, I hope you don't mind me stealing and sharing your pictures)

Photo Shoot

I had to share some of the photos from his 4 month "photo shoot" that I did trying to get a good picture.  Logan is so active now, it has made it a lot harder to get a good picture.  Sometimes he'll smile, but he's moving, other times he's still, but not smiling, and other times I can't get him to look at the camera.  It was quite an experience.  It was rather hilarious too :)  Enjoy!

Hi Mom!

Hey, what's that?

This one is not my fault, Mom.  I'm smiling and still.  You're the one that cut the sign off.

Oh, hey, what's that outside?

I'll smile for ya, but I'm not going to look at the camera!

Oooo, I'm going to get that sign!

Let me have a turn with the camera!

I love my teddy bear!

Oh, hey! He tastes good!


I thought maybe you wanted to see my cute chunky thighs.

Ok, I'm bored with this Mom.  Are you done yet?

See his 4 month post below for the picture we finally settled on :)

April 7, 2011

4 months


You are 4 months old!!  You weigh 17 pounds 3 ounces and are 26 1/2 inches long.  You are in the 84th percentile for weight and 95th percentile in height.  Your head circumference is 16 3/4 inches which is the 79th percentile.  Just this week you started wearing size 3 diapers.  You can still fit in 3-6 month clothes, but really the 6-9 month clothes fit you better.  You are a big boy!

The day after your 3 month birthday you started grabbing your toys all by yourself.  You were not super steady with holding them and moving them to where you wanted (your mouth!), but you would grab them and hold on to them.  As the month has gone on you are so much better at grabbing them, moving them from hand to hand and putting them in your mouth (your favorite!).

You are VERY active now and when you are awake you are almost always in constant motion. It was a lot harder this time for Mommy to get your monthly picture because you did not want to sit still.  You also LOVE to talk, and whenever anyone talks to you, it makes you so happy.  You almost always flash them one of your sweet smiles.

March 22nd you rolled over from your tummy to your back for the first time!  Daddy missed it and was upset.  You did finally roll over for him and we were even able to get a video.  You have been trying really hard to roll from your back to your tummy and even have tried it when you are swaddled at night (which makes Mommy nervous).  You just can't seem to pull that hip over.  You'll get there soon I bet!

Papa put your jumping toy together and you started using it this past month even though it says you're suppose to be 4 months.  Your toes barely touched at first and you weren't too sure of it, but now you really love it.  You can turn yourself around in it and play with all the toys.  You haven't figured out the jumping yet since you're still not quite tall enough, but I'm sure very soon you will be jumping like crazy!  I tried to get a video, but you started getting fussy right when I got the camera out, so it's not the best, but it's something.

You started going to Ms. Melodee's after spring break and you are doing great!  She and her daughter, Lacey, really seem to love you and it makes Mommy so happy when they talk so sweetly about what a great baby you are.  I still wish I did not have to leave you, but it makes me feel so much better knowing you are loved on and well taken care of every day.  You definitely get worn out though and usually take a long nap when we get home.  I'm sure all the activity of the big kids keeps you entertained.  Ms. Melodee says the big kids love you and try to share their toys and blankets with you.  I think they are ready for you to get bigger so they can play with you :)

Last weekend, we had a family reunion in Crockett.  It was our first long car trip and you did really great.  You got a little fussy right before we got there because you were hungry and you fussed a little on the way home because you were tired, but you finally fell asleep and slept most of the day home.  You got to meet a lot of Mommy's side of the family and everyone loved seeing you. They were all amazed with how much hair you have, how big you are, and how much you smile and laugh.  It made Mommy proud to show you off to everyone!  Here you are with Papa, Cousin Jason (Mommy's cousin), Great Great Uncle Boog, Cousin Jamie (Papa's cousin), Great Uncle Jimmy, and Cousin Jason Matthew (Mommy's cousin, Darby's, son) - 4 generations of Easterly boys!

You have figured out how to stick out your tongue and you do it a LOT.  You are such a cutie pie!  I have not been able to get a really good picture of it, but this one will have to do.  It's a little fuzzy, but you are still super cute!

You live in bibs now because you are constantly drooling.  I think your teeth are working hard to come in, but Mommy is hoping it does not happen for a while still.

I feel like there is a lot more you have been up to, but since I have been at work, I am not as good at recording things and taking pictures.  I will try to do better next month!

You melt Mommy's heart every day.  I feel so blessed that God gave you to me, and trusted me enough to be your Mommy!  I love you Logan!!
