March 16, 2011

Spring Break Vent

Warning: This post is not doing a very good job of counting my blessings, but is more like complaining.  Do not read if you are looking for a happy, enjoyable post.

I wish I was posting to say how much I have been loving and enjoying my spring break, but unfortunately it did not get off to the best start.

Friday night I had my monthly Bunco group which was a great way start to my spring break...or so I thought.  I decided to take Logan with me since I missed him and knew a bunch of women wouldn't mind passing around a baby :)  However, I wanted to actually get to play bunco and I knew Logan would get tired so I had Brandon pick him up around 8:45.  Everything went smoothly, and I enjoyed my evening with some of my favorite women.  At around 11:30 I decided I better go since Logan would already be asleep and if he was asleep I should be too.  I got my coat and reached for my keys in the pocket.  They were not there.  I thought for a minute and realized I must have put them in the diaper bag...which went home with Logan and Brandon.  Ugh!  I called Brandon and sure enough they were in the bag.  One of my sweet friends offered to drive me home so that Brandon would not have to wake up Logan to bring me the keys (Thanks Judie!).  We would then go back the next morning to get the car.  Normally this would not have been that big of a deal, but I had already planned out my Saturday due to a baby shower for a sweet friend of mine that I was helping with and there was no time for this.  I had made it to bed about 12:30 or 1 and Logan was up at 3, 4, 5, and 6 that night/morning.  I was exhausted, but had a busy day ahead...

I had to feed a baby
get ready enough to leave the house
go get my car
go to the grocery store
feed the baby again
put the baby down for a nap
make deviled eggs
help Brandon make bacon wrapped corndogs (since all the husbands of the women at the baby shower were getting together for a sausage fest with ridiculous amounts of foods that are sure to clog your arteries)
take a shower (ran out of time)
get dressed and ready (have a fit over having nothing to wear and looking terrible, due to no time for shower or make-up)
feed the baby
load everything including the baby into my car
drive 20 minutes to the shower

The shower started at 2:00.  I left my house at 2:00.  Not only did I have eggs to bring, but I had the cups and the hostess ended up using her dishes.  I felt so bad for being so late, but at least I made it.  It was a great shower though.  Logan and I can't wait to meet baby Luke in May :)

After the shower, I was exhausted, had been sneezing all day, and just needed to go home and rest.  So that's exactly what Logan and I did.  We got home and lucky for me, it was time for Logan to nap again, so I was able to get him to sleep and got right in bed myself.  Logan woke up after just a very short nap (Brandon wasn't home yet), but I felt he needed a longer nap.  I was able to get him to go back to sleep around 6.  I went back to bed and did not wake up until Logan did at 10:45!!  We were both obviously worn out.  He slept through 2 feedings.  I could not believe that.  When I got up I realized I wasn't just tired, but either my allergies were really bad or I was getting sick.  I fed Logan and then we all went to bed again as soon as we could.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling worse.  I decided to stay home with Logan while Brandon went to church.  Around 10:00am I thought I was starting to feel better, but by about 2:00 I started going downhill fast.

Monday morning I decided to call the doctor and get everything checked out because I thought maybe I was getting an ear infection.  My mom came and watched Logan for me so I could go to the doctor without having to get him out in the rain or take him to a doctors office with the rest of the sick people that were there.  It turns out I had/have a sinus infection.  The doctor was able to prescribe me some medication and I am finally starting to feel better (of course spring break is now half-way over).  Needless to say, this is NOT how I wanted to spend my spring break. I still have enjoyed my time with Logan, but since I haven't wanted to get Logan sick, I haven't had as many cuddles and kisses with him as I would have liked.  All that being said, though, I know I am still blessed beyond measure, and I haven't forgotten that.  I just needed to vent.

Below, you will find Logan's 3 month post.  I had every intention of posting it on his 3 month birthday, but it didn't happen.  I had the whole post written and ready to go, I just needed to add one video.  I kept trying over and over to add the video and it kept giving me an error, but of course the error had no info as to what was the problem.  I gave up and later had Brandon look into it.  He found out that the video cannot be longer than a minute, so I was going to edit the video and then upload it.  Well, I've never done that before, and all attempts failed.  I had decided to post it on Monday anyway since it was already a week late, but unfortunately as Brandon was mowing the lawn, he mowed over our cable line (which the cable company was supposed to come bury and never did), so we had no phone, internet or cable for a day (we were lucky it was only one!).  I am finally having time/energy to get around to this, so it's finally here.

When reading the 3 month post, please keep in mind that I wrote it intending for it to be published on his 3 month birthday.  He is actually doing even more in just the week and half since his birthday.  It is also dated as if it was posted on his birthday, but I changed the date so I can keep everything in order.

Apparently, I cannot seem to do ANYTHING on time anymore.  This tardiness started pre-Logan, but since the pregnancy has gotten dramatically worse.  So please forgive my lateness.  Maybe one day I'll be one of those people that seems to have everything together.  One can hope, right? Ha! :)  I may have to accept this as my new normal.  Hopefully the next time I post I will have a much more positive post :)

March 7, 2011

3 months


You are 3 months old!  This has been a sad month for Mommy since she had to go back to work.  It has been fun for you though because you have been able to hang out more with Daddy, Grandma, Papa, Gigi, Aunt MarMar and Uncle Mark while Mommy has been at work.  I will be so glad when I get to have you all to myself again over spring break.  It's just a couple days away!

What have you been up to this month? You just get cuter and sweeter by the day.  It doesn't seem possible, but somehow you do it!

You are about 15 1/2 pounds (we weighed you on Grandma and Papa's scale, so it's not official from the doctor) and around 27 inches long (we measured you with Daddy's tape measure - ha!).  You are getting bigger every day!

You still really love your baby gym. Your favorite is to kick the toucan, but you are getting pretty good at hitting the elephant too. You also really like to talk to the butterflies and the lights.

When we lay you on your back, you will kick with your feet and push yourself across the mat of your baby gym.  You smile and think it is funny when we pull you back so you don't scoot off the mat.

We also thought you were going to roll over from your back to your tummy the other night.  When you are excited when you play you sometimes roll back and forth, but you don't quite roll enough to make it over.  You were very close the other night, but still need a little more practice.

You are sitting in your Bumbo seat now, and do really well.  It is pretty boring though, so after a while you let us know that you've had enough.

You love to blow bubbles with your mouth, and are constantly drooling.  Mommy has to keep you in bibs all the time now or at least keep a rag handy.  It is probably the start of teething, but Mommy is hoping they don't come in for a long time.

When we went to your 2 month appointment, the doctor said that you would begin doing little "sit ups" this month, and she was right!  It seemed like the next day you started doing them and any time we lay you in our lap you are doing your little sit ups.  You don't like to lay flat very much anymore.  You will hold our fingers and work hard to pull yourself up to a sitting position.  You definitely prefer to be up where you can see everything that is going on.

You do really well when it's tummy time.  You hold your head way up and if you're in a good mood you'll play on your tummy for a pretty good while before getting upset.

You have REALLY found your voice this month.  You have realized you can scream and like to do it now just to hear yourself.  You aren't upset, but like to talk to your toys, or anyone who will listen, as loudly as you can.  It cracks me up once I realize that you're just talking and not upset! Ha!  I don't have a video of your shrieking/screaming, but I do have one of you talking (but I can't upload it - sorry!).  You are too cute!

You have started waking up in a very good mood!  This is after your 1st feeding of the morning though.  When you wake up in the 6-7am range you are more concerned about breakfast, and then usually go back to sleep.  After you wake up the next time you are usually talking and smiling in your crib.  I love going to get you and seeing you flash your sweet smile at me.  It makes mornings so much easier!  However, I miss this during the week now that I am working.

You are very aware of, and LOVE your hands.  You are constantly doing something with them and they spend a LOT of time in your mouth.  You will grab things with them (like Mommy's hair!) and hold on tight.  Mommy is trying to teach you to hold toys so you can put those in your mouth instead.  If Mommy puts them in your hand you do a pretty good job of holding on to them and moving them around or putting them in your mouth.

You are also becoming more aware of your feet.  Mommy is teaching you to hold them.  You don't grab them yourself, but if someone puts them in your hands you hold on.  Just yesterday it looked like you were trying to grab one of the toys from your gym with your feet.  It won't be long before those are in your mouth too.  Ha!

I love you sweet baby boy!!
