You are one month old! I cannot believe how fast time has flown and how much you have grown! At your 2 week appointment you were 9 pounds 14 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. I am guessing you are about 11 pounds and 22 inches long now. You are looking so big to me!
You are starting to smile regularly and it just melts my heart every time!
You have also discovered your tongue. You like to stick it out and if anything is close to your mouth you often try to touch it with your tongue.
When you are awake it seems like you are constantly in motion. You love to move your arms and your legs. You try very hard to hold your head up yourself, but you can only do it for a little bit before you get tired and then you practically head-butt whoever has you as your head falls.
You have just started spending time in your "baby gym" and you seem to love it. You like to look at the lights and it makes you very happy. You will smile and move your arms and legs around when you get excited.
Our sweet friend Jennifer came and took some wonderful photos of you even though she just had back surgery less than 3 weeks before. She did an amazing job as usual. Here are a few...or maybe more than a few. It is hard to choose!
For your 1 month birthday, you got to watch the Aggies play for the very first time. They played LSU in the Cotton bowl. You got all dressed up in Mommy's old A&M outfit and were very excited about the game!
You worked very hard to cheer the Aggies on and told them to "Gig'em Aggies!"
But unfortunately, the Ags just couldn't pull it off and they lost to LSU (Ags 24 - LSU 41). This made you very sad.
This is just the first of many wonderful months. I am looking forward to seeing you grow and watching your personality develop. But don't do it too fast! I want to enjoy my little baby :)
I love you lots!