December 26, 2010

Friends, Family & Christmas

After Logan was born, we had lots of friends and family visit.  We especially enjoyed getting to spend Christmas as a family of 3.  Unfortunately, we did not get pictures of everyone, but here are a few pictures of visitors, and Christmas festivities.

Jordan and Robbie

Aunt Marlene and Uncle Mark

Uncle Cam

Aunt Meredith

Cousin Rachel



Four generations of Todd boys

Watching The Christmas Story with Daddy on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at Gigi's and Poppy's

"Mommy and Daddy's Favorite Gift is Me"

First visit with Santa at Grandma and Papa's

Kyak seat from Papa


Great Uncle John

Family Christmas Picture

My father-in-law, aka Poppy, made a sweet video of pictures from Logan's first couple weeks of life.  It makes me cry every time I watch it!  I thought I'd share it with you all...

We hope everyone had a blessed Christmas!  This one sure was special for us!

December 9, 2010

THE day

Logan Dane

Warning: This is mostly for me to remember, so there may be too many details for some.  Read at your own risk...

 My first day of maternity leave was December 1st, and I was due on December 2nd.  I had an appointment on Monday, December 6th, since the little guy had not decided to make his appearance yet.  At the appointment, I had not progressed any, so we scheduled an induction for December 9th.  However, Logan had other plans.  I guess he decided no one was going to schedule his arrival, so after my appointment, he decided he was ready to start making his way into this world.  After a few symptoms, I called Brandon at work and told him to be ready because I felt like this was the real deal.  Soon, the contractions increased in frequency and intensity, so I knew it was real.  After Brandon got home from work, we got everything together and loaded the car for the hospital.  By the time we had everything ready to go, the contractions had increased to 4 minutes apart and they were getting more painful.  We decided it was time to leave.  I wanted one last picture before we left, so I took one in front of our not-yet-decorated tree :)

On the way, we called family and texted a few friends to let them know we were headed to the hospital.  We arrived at the hospital sometime after 7 I think.  We checked in and they sent us to the triage room.  The nurse hooked me up to monitors and checked to see how I was progressing.  I had surprisingly progressed to 3 centimeters so they decided to admit me (I was barely over 1 at my appointment earlier that day).  Unfortunately, my doctor was not on call, so I did not get to have my doctor for the labor or delivery.
Once we got checked in and settled into our room, things started to feel very real.  It wasn't long before my water broke, which was a very strange feeling.  Things started to move a lot faster after that point.  By about 2 am, I decided the contractions were only going to continue to get worse and I felt that eventually I would give in and get the epidural.  I decided that if it was going to happen eventually, I might as well do it now, and not have to deal with the pain any longer.  I was so scared to get the epidural though, especially with how painful the contractions were.  I had to deal with 3 contractions during the time the anesthesiologist was putting in the epidural, but my nurse was great and basically held me down so I wouldn't move.  Having an epidural was very strange and not the most pleasant experience in my opinion, but I figured it was better than the alternative.

After the epidural, the nurse suggested we try to get some sleep.  However, Logan wasn't doing so well, so I had to have oxygen and the nurse kept coming in to have me move to other positions to see if it would help.  We found out later that the cord was wrapped around his neck, so every time I had a contraction it put pressure on it and caused his heart rate to drop.  It was very scary!  Fortunately, I progressed quickly enough that things didn't get worse.  Before it was time to push, my parents and Brandon's parents came in and prayed for us.  I was still a little nervous, but felt much better after my Dad prayed.

The nurse decided to go ahead and have me start pushing as his heart rate continued to drop during contractions and I was fully dilated.  I could not feel anything because of the epidural, but apparently I was good at pushing because the nurse had me stop.  He was coming fast and the doctor had not arrived yet.  My parents later told us that the doctor was running down the hall when she arrived.  Lucky for me, I didn't have to feel any of it while waiting for her to get there.

After the doctor arrived and got ready, I pushed through one contraction, and the doctor told me that when the next contraction came, we would deliver.  I couldn't believe it.  Once he was delivered the doctor put him on my chest.  I was overwhelmed with emotion, it was such a happy moment.  I couldn't believe he was here!  And, he had sooo much hair!  I was, however, still slightly grossed out and hoped someone would wipe him off so I could hold him better.  Ha!  Fortunately, they did, and I was able to hold him against my chest.  He was perfect!

 So what was Logan's Daddy doing during all of this?  Well, he was being a great husband, and supporting me through it all.  I know it must have been tough for him seeing me in pain until I got the epidural but he was very strong and helped me during all of the contractions.  He has said he felt like he didn't do much, but just being there and holding my hand through it was really a lot.  He also would get me fresh ice chips frequently since I was super thirsty, but wasn't allowed to have water.

During the delivery he stood by my side and even helped hold my leg when I had to push.  Not exactly what he thought he'd be doing, but I was very proud of him for being so involved.  He also was quick to think to get the camera out after Logan was born.  I was so distracted that I didn't even think about getting pictures and did not know he had taken pictures until much later.  I'm so thankful he remembered to do that.  I would have been very sad if we had not taken any pictures after the birth.

After I got a little time to hold Logan, they had to take him to get his weight, etc.  At this point, we still had not officially decided on a name.  Brandon looked over at me and said "I want to go tell our parents that he's here, but I'm not going without a name.  So is it Logan Dane?" and at that point, I still didn't really know for sure, but knew that there weren't really any other options we had truly considered so I said "I guess so." and that is how we named him.  I know that probably sounds terrible to some, but please know that I'm very happy with the name now.  Those of you that really know me, know that I have a very hard time making decisions, and this was no exception.  We picked it because Logan was a name that we both liked (and secretly I think Brandon liked it because it is Wolverine's name and he is Brandon's favorite comic book character).  Dane was Brandon's Uncle's middle name.  He lost his fight with cancer over 2 years ago.  One day we will be able to share with Logan all the wonderful things about his Great Uncle Jerry that he didn't have the opportunity to meet.

After the delivery, Brandon I wanted some time to spend with Logan, and I wanted to try nursing him for the first time.  I enjoyed having some time with just our little family.  After a while, the nurse came to give Logan his bath.  At that point, our family came in to see our sweet boy for the first time.  They, of course, loved him from the moment they saw him :)

Since our hospital was not all that close to where we live and our friends/family, we did not have a bunch of visitors at the hospital.  This probably was for the better as I was able to get some rest during the day. It is hard to get much sleep night because of the nurses coming to check on you and the baby, so getting rest during the day as well was helpful.  Our parents were all at the hospital for the birth, and then my sister and friend, Crystal, came to visit later in day after Logan was born (unfortunately, I don't have a picture, but my parents might, so if I get one I will add it later).  The next day, my friends Erica and Jennifer surprised us and came by to meet our sweet boy.  Logan has already decided he loves the pretty ladies!

Fortunately, my doctor gave me the choice to go home the day after delivery instead of having to stay an additional night.  I much prefer my own bed, and as few disturbances as possible, so I jumped on the chance to leave :)  We arrived on a Monday night and left Wednesday evening.  So all together we were there for less than 48 hours.

Getting ready to go home

We're here!

Home Sweet Home

Bringing him home was the next best thing to seeing him for the first time!  That evening, our small group friends came to visit us and welcome us home.  Unfortunately, I wasn't thinking very well at that time, and did not get any pictures.

We were able to get more sleep than I expected the first night.  We were up every couple hours to feed and change Logan, but he was really very good.  He only fussed when he was hungry, and would sleep in his bassinet/pack-n-play in between feedings.  We are very blessed!!

I love this sweet boy more than words can say!  I am looking forward to many hours, days, weeks, months, and years with our baby dear!  What a blessing he is!!

December 2, 2010

Dear Baby Boy...

To My Son,

Your Daddy & I loved you and prayed for you before we even knew you existed.  I feel so blessed that God has trusted you to us and hope that we can guide you and help you to do great things in the eyes of God.  I pray that God will make Himself known to you, that you will desire to know God more and that you will have a relationship with Him.

Even though we have not met you yet, you are loved & wanted more than you will ever understand.  I wish I had the perfect words to tell you just how loved you are, but I'm not sure there is any way to truly express my love for you.  I cannot wait to see your sweet face, kiss your soft cheeks, and hold you close.  I love you sweet baby boy!


August was a loooong time ago...

It is very hard to believe how quickly time has flown by.  I last posted in August, and now it's December.  Not only is it December, but it's December 2nd - my due date.  No baby yet, but we are so excited and anxiously awaiting his arrival.

Let me update you on what has happened since I last posted...

School started (with the kiddos) August 23, and I am so blessed to have a great group of kiddos with wonderful parents in my class.  I was very worried about this year, knowing that I would be having to leave my kiddos for a while.  I feel so much better about it since I have such a great class and I've got a great sub, so it helps to put my mind at ease knowing things will be ok while I'm gone.

On August 25, Nate Ryan Brothers, was legally declared part of his forever family.  You can view a video below that Erica created that still makes me cry when I watch it.  The Brothers family will always have a special place in my heart.  I feel so honored to have been allowed to share in some of the ups & downs of their journey.

 September 4th, Baby Todd got to experience his very first Aggie football game.  The Aggies beat Stephen F. Austin 48-7, so it was a great game!  I even walked all the way to the top of the zone with my big belly and all.  In fact, I did it 3 times before I had to quit going to the games.  We won all 3 games that I attended, so I think our little one might be a good luck charm.  Ha!

I have also had some wonderful showers thrown by some very sweet friends & family members.  I feel so blessed to have so much love and support from all of our friends and family.

Crystal, Me & Marlene (hostesses for Easterly shower)
Erica & Me
My B1 Ladies
Me & Jordan (Hostess of Church shower)
 My Kinder Team minus Janet (hostesses of my school shower)
My "old" Kinder Team
 Me & Mom
 Meredith, Me & Jennifer
Carol, Me & Susan (Hostesses for Todd shower)

My class was also super sweet and threw me a shower before I left.  However, I don't have any pictures from it.  My homeroom parent and other parents did such a great job.  The kids had a great time and they gave me such thoughtful and helpful gifts.  They definitely went above and beyond anything I could have imagined.  I am very blessed!

On November 14th, we had the privilege of taking some maternity pictures with the wonderful, talented Jennifer.  She is awesome and always does a great job.  She took pictures for us at almost the same time last year, which you can see a few here.  I loved them, and loved the ones she took this time too.  Here are a few of my favorites.  It's really hard to pick though and I don't want to overload you with pictures, so I had to narrow them down.


(The tag is where I had intended to put his name, but since it's still undecided right now, it's blank.  However, Jennifer will photoshop it in for us later :)  She's awesome like that!)

Ok, so I know I said I was going to narrow it down and just share a few...that's a little more than a few...but it was really hard.  There are still more good ones, but I finally had to stop myself.  Ha!

December 2nd - That's today, and also my DUE DATE!  It's a little crazy to think about.  I can't believe that time has flown so quickly.  There were times it felt like it would never get here, but looking back, it really has gone so fast!

Hopefully soon I will be updating everyone with our sweet little boy's arrival.  I cannot wait!!