June 19, 2010

Pictures of Our Little One

Here is our first ultrasound.  This was at our almost 9 week appointment.

This next one was at our 13 week appointment and we could not believe the difference in what you could see in just 4 weeks.

And lastly, our little one decided he/she wanted to let everyone know just exactly whether he/she was a boy/girl.  See for yourself (the second picture is just another profile picture, but we scanned them 2 at a time so that's why it's with this picture, also if you click on the picture it will make it larger)...
It's a boy!!!  And, oh boy am I in for trouble! Ha!

Here is a picture of my little bump from the same day as my 13 week ultrasound.  It's slightly bigger now (I'm 16 weeks), but I have not taken a picture of it recently.  I know, shame on me, right?

June 17, 2010

Old news, but big news :)

I know this is old news to most everyone, and I apologize for not posting sooner, but my excuse...I'm pregnant!!  I know, old news, right?  However, it's still very exciting for us and I think I'm finally on the downhill of all the morning sickness fun (ha!).  Evenings (funny that it's called "morning" sickness, huh?!) were the worst, so by the time I got home from school I was in no mood to try to think or write. 

I'm not really all that nervous or anything about it as I LOVE babies, and for the most part understand what it takes to care for one, but I must say I'm a little worried this baby is going to be beyond spoiled.  Not because of us, as I'm sure by the time our child is 5 they will be saying they have the meanest Mommy and Daddy in the whole wide world because we won't let them have an i-phone - ha!  However, this will be the first grandchild on BOTH sides of our family, so that right there tells you enough :)  (Although this can work in our favor too...we'll just have to go on lots of dates so that the grandparents can have their fair share of time with the little one :) Ha!)

Speaking of dates with the hubby, in the last post I mentioned a date to Chili's. Well, that was actually our celebration dinner because we had just found out that night that I was pregnant.  I was so excited and could hardly believe it was true, but I decided we had to go out somewhere to celebrate since we were not wanting to tell anyone just yet. We decided on Chili's since we had the gift cards and we love their salsa.  Only sad thing was that I couldn't get a margarita...those are perfect for celebrations, but oh well.  It's worth it!

We told both sets of parents on Easter weekend and then told our siblings the following weekend.  We were very mean and made them keep it a secret until we had our first appointment which was a couple weeks later.  I have to admit it was a lot harder keeping it a secret than I thought it would be.

I am currently 16 weeks and due December 2, 2010.  Just in time for Christmas!!  Oh what a different, but wonderful Christmas this will be :)  I will try to get some ultrasound pictures up soon, but for some reason it screamed "Failed" at me in red letters every time I tried to upload them.

So...I think I'm back, and I will try to keep everyone updated.  I have fallen WAY behind on all of the things I started pre-pregnancy, so I'm hoping the sickness fades and my summer allows me to catch up and even make some progress too (after all, the room that is to be the nursery is by far the worst room in the house - and that's really an understatement, so hopefully that can be tackled as well)!